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Dear customers,

Our curbside pickup service is available as usual (available Monday to Saturday, 24 hours advance notice is preferred.).

Providing quality and safe products is always our top priority. To protect the store's environment from exposure to any potential hazards, we will serve you online, and over the phone. We will temporarily pause in-store shopping during the pandemic so that you know your teas are packed in a safe environment with the utmost care.

Shop online 24/7 at

Order by phone, Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm at 613-798-9832

Drink tea and stay well.

Ji and Jean


How to order your teas:

  1. Online 24/7 at
  2. By phone at 613-798-9832, Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Curbside pickup

Curbside pickup is available for online and telephone orders (24 hrs notice in advance). If you need your tea right away, please call us at 613-798-9832 to arrange a pickup time. 

Shipping by post

Click here for shipping information.

    If you have any questions, we can be reached at 613-798-9832 or at